About the GLLC

The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus (GLLC) is a binational, nonpartisan organization of state and provincial legislators passionate about policies to protect and restore the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin. The GLLC’s mission is to strengthen the role of state and provincial legislators in the regional, national, and binational policymaking process by providing a forum to exchange good practices, ideas, and opportunities, and by advancing legislation to promote the restoration, protection, and sustainable use of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River for current residents and future generations.

The GLLC is the only Great Lakes organization whose members have the ability to enact laws and appropriate funding at the state and provincial level.



GLLC officers and members of the Executive Committee are elected for terms of two years. Elections take place at the GLLC Annual Meeting in even-numbered years. Past chairs and the chairs of any committees or task forces serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. The activity of the Executive Committee is guided by the strategic plan.

GLLC Officers

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Senator Laura Fine, Illinois
Sen. Fine is in her first term as Chair for the 2024-2025 biennium. Sen. Fine served as Illinois’ elected representative on the Executive Committee prior to being elected Vice Chair for 2023-2024.
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Representative David Abbott, Indiana
Vice Chair
Rep. Abbott has served on the Executive Committee since 2021 and was elected to serve as Vice Chair for the 2025-2026 biennium. In 2019, he was part of the inaugural class of Birkholz Fellows and served on the GLLC’s Task
Force on Nutrient Management.
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Members of the Executive Committee

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Senator Laura Ellman, Illinois
Executive Committee
Sen. Ellman is serving her first term as Illinois' representative on the Executive Committee. Sen. Ellman is a 2023 Birkholz Fellow and chaired the 2023-24 Task Force on Climate Resiliency.
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Senator Sue Shink, Michigan
Executive Committee
Senator Shink is serving her first term on the Executive Committee, representing Michigan. Senator Shink has been a member of the GLLC since 2023.
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Senator Mary Kunesh, Minnesota
Executive Committee
Sen. Kunesh is serving her second term on the Executive Committee. She is also on the GLLC Indigenous Engagement Committee.
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Senator Pamela Helming, New York
Executive Committee
Senator Helming is serving her first term as New York's representative on the GLLC Executive Committee. She has been a member of the GLLC since 2017.
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Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson, Ohio
Executive Committee
Sen. Hicks-Hudson is Ohio's representative to the Executive Committee for 2025-2026. She was a 2019 Birkholz Fellow and on the Task Force on Nutrient Management.
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MPP Jennifer French, Ontario
Executive Committee
MPP French has been a GLLC member since 2018 and is serving her fourth term on the Executive Committee. MPP French was Vice Chair of the Task Force on Climate Resiliency, and served on the Task Force on Nutrient Management
and the Task Force on Lead.
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Senator Daniel Laughlin, Pennsylvania
Executive Committee
Sen. Laughlin is serving his second term on the Executive Committee. Sen. Laughlin has been a member of the GLLC since 2018.
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MNA Marie-Belle Gendron, Québec
Executive Committee
MNA Gendron is serving her second term on the Executive Committee. She is also a member of the GLLC Indigenous Engagement Committee.
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Representative Deb Andraca, Wisconsin
Executive Committee
Rep. Andraca is in her first term as Wisconsin's representative on the Executive Committee. She was a 2023 Birkholz Fellow and served on the Task Force on Climate Resiliency.

Ex Officio Members

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Senator André Jacque, Wisconsin
Past Chair
Sen. Jacque served as Chair of the GLLC from 2023-2024, after leading the GLLC’s Task Force on Nutrient Management from 2019-2023. Sen. Jacque has been a member of the GLLC since 2017, served on the Birkholz Institute Steering Committee in
2019, and participated in the institute as a Birkholz Fellow.
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Representative Robyn Gabel, Illinois
Past Chair
Rep. Gabel has been a GLLC leader since first being elected to the Executive Committee in 2012. She served as chair from 2021-2022 and vice chair in 2019-2020. Rep. Gabel was also a member of the GLLC’s Task Force on
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Senator Ed Charbonneau, Indiana
Past Chair
Sen. Charbonneau served as chair in 2019-2020. A GLLC member since 2012, he served on the GLLC’s Task Force on Lead and the Task Force on Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Appreciation Day.
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Senator Ann Rest, Minnesota
Past Chair
Sen. Rest was the first chair of the Caucus to be elected by the members following the adoption of rules in 2011. She served two terms from 2013-2016. Sen. Rest was a member of the GLLC’s Task Force on Lead
and served on the Birkholz Institute Steering Committee in 2019.
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Representative Sonya Harper, Illinois
Co-Chair, Indigenous Engagement Committee
Rep. Harper served as Illinois' representative on the Executive Committee from 2021-2024. She has been a member of the GLLC since 2016.
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Former Representative Rachel Hood, Michigan
Co-Chair, Indigenous Engagement Committee
Rep. Hood served on the GLLC Executive from 2023-2024 and was a 2019 Birkholz Fellow.
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Representative Lisa Subeck, Wisconsin
Chair, Birkholz Institute Steering Committee
Rep. Subeck served as Wisconsin's representative on the Executive Committee from 2023-2024. She was a 2019 Birkholz Fellow and was on the Task Force on Nutrient Management.


The GLLC is a nonpartisan, binational organization open to all state and provincial legislators serving in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region. View the current roster of GLLC members.

Interested in becoming a GLLC member?

Membership is open to all state and provincial legislators serving in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region. Enrolling as a GLLC member brings the following opportunities:

  • Make your voice heard by voting on and even sponsoring Caucus resolutions and member sign-on letters concerning issues of common interest and concern.
  • Become a leader on Great Lakes and St. Lawrence issues by serving as an officer of the Caucus, as a member of the Executive Committee, or on issue-specific committees and task forces.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to attend annual Caucus meetings, quarterly web meetings, Birkholz Institutes, and other meetings related to water quality in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River.
  • Stay informed with the quarterly e-newsletter “The Caucus Current,” plus the state and provincial legislative tracker compiling detailed information on bills that may have an impact on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.

There is no cost to join — only benefits.

Enroll as a Member


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Jess Lienhardt
Great Lakes Program Director, CSG Midwest
Jess is CSG Midwest’s Great Lakes program director. In this position, she guides the many activities and services provided to state and provincial legislators through the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus (GLLC) — a binational, nonpartisan organization of state and
provincial legislators working together to protect the Great Lakes basin. Jess attained her master’s degree in public policy from Michigan State University and holds bachelor’s degrees in political science and history from the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
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Have a question about the GLLC? Feel free to contact us at any time!

By Phone:
Jess Lienhardt, CSG Midwest Great Lakes Program Director: 630-282-3077

By Email:

By Mail:
CSG Midwest
701 E. 22nd Street, Suite 110
Lombard, IL 60148